Past & Present of Garry Milne Panelbeating
The history of Garry Milne Panelbeating begins back when a Mr Evan Jones returned from World War 2 and started panelbeating in Invercargill. In the mid 1950's, Garry Milne joined the team and worked alongside Evan.In 1960, Evan Jones built the current workshop on High Street in Balclutha and relocated the business there. Upon Evan's retirement in the late 1970's, Garry took over the business and hired his first apprentice, Neill McKenzie, in January 1982.
When Garry retired from panelbeating in 2006, Neill took over ownership of the business to the present day.
The team
Neill McKenzie
Neill's interests include cars (especially Ford Escorts), work, his home and his wife Rosie. A Ford man a heart Neill drives a Ranger.
Jason Inglis
Murphy Peoples
Murphy works on all crash repairs Rust and Plastic Welding Jobs and Loves Hilux's
He likes working on "several" cars he owns and enjoys seeing the finished cars he has worked on. In his spare time, Murphy enjoys spending time with his partner and he is a new member of the local RSA.
He drives a LN106 Hilux.